May 2020

It only takes a quick trip to the grocery store to realize that life is VERY different than it was just a couple of months ago. COVID-19 has already left a permanent mark in modern human history. So as you continue life mid-pandemic, here's some good...

Although everyone is experiencing the impact of COVID-19 differently, one thing has become evident. As a result of the pandemic, we’re all paying closer attention to our finances. Looking at life post-COVID, it’s going to be essential to have a financial plan. Here are some action...

As the initial shock of living through a global pandemic wears off and restrictions start to loosen, it would seem that Canada is en route to de-COVID soon (time will tell). If you’ve been waiting until things flatten out before making any significant financial decisions, now...

So you're thinking about co-signing for a mortgage? Okay, do you really know what that means do you know what you are getting yourself into? Co-signing isn't necessarily a bad thing, but there is certainly a lot of misinformation floating around on the subject. Although...

If you've been sitting on the sidelines waiting to see the full impact of COVID-19 on the economy before asking any pressing questions about your financial situation, now might be a good time for a mid-pandemic mortgage checkup! Here is a list of questions that have...